KAIST Educational Network System
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cstd::hash< std::pair< K, V > >
 CE::HostModuleHostModule is an interface for classes which is registered to a certain Host. HostModules can communicate with each other by their names
 CE::LogLog provides log-related utilities. We recommend you to inherit this class privately, and it will enable Log::print_log in your namespace
 CE::SystemSystem provides a virtual clock used during the simulation. Current virtual clock can be obtained by System::getCurrentTime. Every Module registered in the System share same virtual clock and the System manages the total ordering of every event
 CE::Module::MessageBaseInterface of Message. Every message implementation must inherit this class
 CE::PacketThis class abstracts a packet. You cannot directly allocate/deallocate Packet. Also you cannot directly access the internal buffer. Use access functions
 CE::ModuleModule is an interface for classes which can send/receive Message to/from the System
 CE::NetworkModuleNetworkModule is a abstract class for wired connection
 CE::WireWire does a role of 2-ended wire. However there is a speed limit and delayed packets are queued (currently, no limitation to the queue length)
 CE::HostThis class abstract a single host machine
 CE::LinkLink makes connections among multiple Wires. It supports packet switching and output queuing. Random drop occurs when the queue is full
 CE::NetworkSystemNetworkSystem is a kind of System which has extensions for handling Packet network
 CE::WireWire does a role of 2-ended wire. However there is a speed limit and delayed packets are queued (currently, no limitation to the queue length)
 CE::RoutingInfoThis class provides routing information to its child class
 CE::HostThis class abstract a single host machine
 CE::RoutingInfoInterfaceThis class provides routing info interface for HostModules
 CE::RunnableRunnable is executed via System. The total ordering of execution is guaranteed by the System
 CE::SystemCallApplicationThis provides system call interface to an application. This provides basic system call invoking mechanism to the application
 CE::SystemCallInterfaceIf you want to handle system call events of the Host, you should inherit this class. This class provides file descriptor management, and blocking behavior of system calls
 CRouteTesting< 2 >
 CRouteTesting< 4 >
 CRouteTesting< 5 >
 CRouteTesting< 7 >
 CRouteTesting< 9 >
 CRouteTesting< 2 >
 CRouteTesting< 4 >
 CRouteTesting< 5 >
 CRouteTesting< 7 >
 CRouteTesting< 9 >
 CRouteTesting< N >
 CRouteTesting< N >
 CE::TimerModuleTimerModule provides convenient interface of timer/alarm
 CE::TimeUtilTimerUtil provides utilities for time calculation. Using this class instead of Time variable directly provides better compatibility for further improvement
 CE::overloaded< Ts >