KAIST Educational Network System
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CLogLog provides log-related utilities. We recommend you to inherit this class privately, and it will enable Log::print_log in your namespace
 CModuleModule is an interface for classes which can send/receive Message to/from the System
 CSystemSystem provides a virtual clock used during the simulation. Current virtual clock can be obtained by System::getCurrentTime. Every Module registered in the System share same virtual clock and the System manages the total ordering of every event
 CRunnableRunnable is executed via System. The total ordering of execution is guaranteed by the System
 CTimeUtilTimerUtil provides utilities for time calculation. Using this class instead of Time variable directly provides better compatibility for further improvement
 CHostModuleHostModule is an interface for classes which is registered to a certain Host. HostModules can communicate with each other by their names
 CSystemCallInterfaceIf you want to handle system call events of the Host, you should inherit this class. This class provides file descriptor management, and blocking behavior of system calls
 CSystemCallApplicationThis provides system call interface to an application. This provides basic system call invoking mechanism to the application
 CHostThis class abstract a single host machine
 CLinkLink makes connections among multiple Wires. It supports packet switching and output queuing. Random drop occurs when the queue is full
 CNetworkModuleNetworkModule is a abstract class for wired connection
 CNetworkSystemNetworkSystem is a kind of System which has extensions for handling Packet network
 CPacketThis class abstracts a packet. You cannot directly allocate/deallocate Packet. Also you cannot directly access the internal buffer. Use access functions
 CRoutingInfoInterfaceThis class provides routing info interface for HostModules
 CRoutingInfoThis class provides routing information to its child class
 CTimerModuleTimerModule provides convenient interface of timer/alarm
 CWireWire does a role of 2-ended wire. However there is a speed limit and delayed packets are queued (currently, no limitation to the queue length)
 Chash< std::pair< K, V > >
 CTestTransfer_AcceptServer application for the transfer test
 CTestTransfer_ConnectClient application for the transfer test